White Forest
Why must I study?
Why I have to get into a famous University?
What is the meaning of getting good result?
is tat for u not to be looked down by others?
Why I am a not born as a bird?
Why I cant be something tat is invisible, such as wind?
Why I cant be something tat never exist?
Why am i thinking all of this?
Becoz I am juz a human............
Why must I study?
Why I have to get into a famous University?
What is the meaning of getting good result?
is tat for u not to be looked down by others?
Why I am a not born as a bird?
Why I cant be something tat is invisible, such as wind?
Why I cant be something tat never exist?
Why am i thinking all of this?
Becoz I am juz a human............
1 是语文和表达能力,决定一个人的思维和思路问题。
2 是专业的知识和能力。
3 是电脑水平。
4 是英语水平。
5 是做人(如何待人接物)。
1 是尊重和理解别人。
2 是发现别人的好处和优点。
3 是处事公平。
4 是能够宽容。
5 是懂得感恩。
Do u have the answers to your questions?
Haha...tak sangka u also think of this kind of stuff. Thought u LOVE to study one. Hehehe....jia you study lah sempai.Muahkakaka...